"The Garden of the Future" by Adrian Higgins for the Washington Post discusses the new approach to planting design espoused by Thomas and Claudia West
"He'll Try Anything" by Michael Tortorello for the New York Times chronicles Thomas & Melissa's early attempts to establish a garden with no budget and a small child. Photo above by Darren S. Higgins.
"Gardening in a 'post-wild' world: Book plants ideas for a new approach" by Barbara Mahany for the Chicago Tribune
"Grow: Why garden? US landscape architect Thomas Rainer explores the big gardening questions" by Fionnuala Fallon for The Irish Times. When do we garden, how, and why?
"A New Book Calls for a Revolution in Garden Design" by Lisa for Architectural Digest. The authors of Planting in a Post-Wild World make the case for breaking with horticultural tradition to create sustainable landscapes that are no less beautiful
"Wild Times" by Bradford McKee for Landscape Architecture Magazine looks at two books by Margie Ruddick and Thomas Rainer
Thomas speaks with Ken Druse on the history of the naturalistic plant movement and what makes the current moment different.